
The Author

Dr. Frederick Voon is a Canadian Emergency physician who works in Victoria, B.C. He was recently named an “Emerging Local Author” by the Greater Victoria Public Library, and listed in the “Who’s Who” section of BC Bookworld Magazine.

After graduating medical school in 2001, he completed residency training in Family Practice and Emergency Medicine. He has worked in clinic and hospital settings, both urban and rural, in British Columbia, Alberta, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and New Zealand.

Currently, he is an executive of the Victoria Emergency Physicians Association and the hospital Medical Staff Association with special interests in patient education, information technology, mindfulness in medicine, business, and evidence-based happiness.

A Clinical Assistant Professor with the University of British Columbia Faculty of Medicine, Dr. Voon enjoys teaching and personal as well as professional development. It is his honor to be included as a faculty member of The Haven, a not-for-profit Centre for Transformational Learning. He has presented at conferences and was accepted into the Speakers Bureau of Canada.

Dr. Voon has hosted screenings of documentaries including “Screenagers: Growing Up in the Digital Age” and “Us & Them” a film about homelessness and addictions. He works closely with the Divisions of Family Practice: Transitions in Care with projects including Familiar Faces, which provides digital care plans for the most frequent users of local Emergency Departments.

Volunteer pursuits include global organizations like the International Health Literacy Association, plus community organizations such as the YMCA Camp Thunderbird.

A recent video giving health tips to try at home went viral with 10 million views on TikTok in the first 48 hours!

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